Pasta Salad with Apple

Pasta Salad with Apple

Today we prepare you a recipe in which we use apple, probably the first thing to come to mind when someone says fruit. Today we prepare you Pasta Salad with Apple.

Orzo Salad with Chicken

Orzo Salad with Chicken

In the Ramadan Kitchen of Nuh'un Ankara Makarnasi, today we present you with orzo Salad with Chicken which will enrich your iftar tables with its healthiness and richness.

Manti Pasta

Manti Pasta

4th round And 3rd episode has started In 1 Recipe 4 tastes The recipe of this week, is Manti Pasta, rich in protein and appeals to all taste ranges. Our Guest Chef who will contribute to our program, with their comments and evaluations and support our contestants is Fatmanur Keles whom we know from Youtube lezzeti_ask channel

Anchovy Soup

Anchovy Soup

In the Kitchen Academy of Nuh'un Ankara, today we prepare you the Anchovy Soup which is both delicious and rich in Omega 3. This recipe which you can serve to your children who dislike fish, can be prepared in a short amount of time.

Barley Noodles with Meat

Barley Noodles with Meat

In the Kitchen Academy of Nuh'un Ankara Makarnasi, today we prepare a delicious and nutritious barley noodles with meat.

Winter Soup

Winter Soup

In the Kitchen Academy of Nuh'un Ankara, today we prepare you a delicious and healthy winter soup which will warm you up in these cold days. You can eat while its warm! :)

Pasta with Roasted Pepper Sauce

Pasta with Roasted Pepper Sauce

In the Kitchen Academy of Nuh'un Ankara Makarnasi, today we prepare you a delicious and colourful recipe; Pasta with Roasted Pepper Sauce.

Pasta with Corn

Pasta with Corn

We present you with a recipe with an ingredient which is the most consumed cereal of the world after wheat and the the production of which started ten thousand years ago. Today we prepare you, Pasta with Corn