Heart-Healthy Foods
Heart-Healthy Foods

Main feature of reveratrol is that it increases the release capacity of a substance called nitric oxide in the human body, which ensures oxidation of the tissues. Another feature of resveratrol is that it enhances the vascular tissues. Since the day of its discovery, foods rich in resveratrol is suggessted for cardiac and vascular health in the scientific society. In addition to foods rich in resveratrol, consuming whole wheat products (pasta, bulgular, semolina, etc.) rich in pulp and decrease the cholesterole intake in the intestines and legumes also help vascular health.

Today we present you a delicious recipe which we prepare with black mulberry which is rich in resveratrol and semolina which decreases cholesterole intake in the intestines and enhances vascular health; Mulberry Semolina Dessert in Cup. Click here to watch the video of our recipe.

Our Mulberry Semolina Dessert in Cup is for 4 people. Preparation duration is 5 minutes and cooking duration is 30 minutes. It has a durability rating of 3 stars.

Benefits of the Ingredients of Mulberry Semolina Dessert in Cup Recipe

  • Black Mulberry is quite rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, B, C, E and K, sodium, potassium, niacine and thiamine.
  • Vitamin C which is abundent in black mulberry, increases collagene synthesis and enhances the immune system.
  • Vitamin K of black mulberry contributes to the development of skeletal tissues and is required for coagulation.
  • Riboflavine included in black mulberry protects your tissues from free radical and eases the oxygen transfer inside the body.
  • Black Mulberry, with its structure rich in pulp, regulates the digestive system and blood sugar, decreases the cholesterole intake in intestine, and contributes to the protection of cardiac and vascular health by decreasing bad cholesterole and enhances liver health.
  • Black mulberry with its vast capacity of antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic, is protective against cancer.
  • Resveratrol of black mulberry protects cardiac and vascular health and prevents atherosclerosis.
  • Black mulberry repairs the skin with its antioxidants and Vitamin C, prevents the creation of marks, regulates melanine synthesis, ensures that the skin looks smooth and healthy.
  • Semolina is a quality complex carbohydrate source and provides energy to our bodies. 
  • Semolina is a good vegetable protein source and its glycemic index value is low. Therefore, it can be consumed by diabetics and it keeps people feeling full.
  • Semolina is quite rich in magnesium and provides protection against muscle spasms and enhances neural tranmission.
  • Mint and mint oilcontains a component called menthol which is thought to improve sensitive intestine symptoms with its relaxing effect on the digestive muscles.
  • Mint, with its menthol contents, is anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-septic.
  • Mint, with its phytochemicals, improves headaches and chronic coughs, protects cardiac and vascular health and decreases the risk of embolism.
  • Mint, by stimulating digestive hormones, relaxes the digestive system.

Let's take a look at the nutritional values of Mulberry Semolina Dessert in Cup recipe

Energy and Nutrients Quantity
Energy 437 kcal
Carbohydrates 79,8 g
Protein 9,7 g
Fat 7,3 g
Posa 2,9 g
Vitamin A 72,5 µg
Vitamin D 12,0 µg
Vitamin E 0,87 mg
Vitamin K 2,0 µg
B1 Vitamini 0,12 mg
Vitamin B2 0,4 mg
Niasin 0,65 mg
Vitamin B5 1 mg
Biotin 8,5 µg
Vitamin B6 0,15 mg
Folic acid 21,5 µg
Vitamin B12 0,8 µg
Vitamin C 15,9 mg
Sodium 76,8 mg
Potassium 628,6 mg
Magnesium 36,9 mg
Calcium 242,5 mg
Phosphorus 219,3 mg
Sulphur 71,3mg
Chlorine 210,4 mg
Iron 2,2 mg
Zinc 0,97 mg

When you consume Mulberry Semolina Dessert in Cup, you meet:

  • 76% of your carbohydrate requirements,
  • 9% of your protein requirements,
  • 15% of your fat requirements for the day.
  • Mulberry Semolina Dessert in Cup is excellent as an afternoon snack.
  • With our recipe, you can drink a cup of green or white tea, enriching your dessert with resveratrol and caffein, and ensure the protection of your cardiac and vascular health.
  • I suggest that you should not exceed one portion of our delicious  recipe.

Dr. Tuba Gunebak
Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist